Easy At-home Solutions That You Can Do to Get the Yellow Stains out from Your Nails

Your outfit will never be complete without a beautiful and clean nails. No matter how clean your nails are, you will still experience having stained nails at one point in your life. Having stained nails is an embarrassment especially if you are a fan of French tip nail. Badly mixed nail color, poorly cleaned claws, or simply painting too often is the culprit to this unwanted stain. Next time you see your nails having one of those yellow stains, rather than doubling the damage by covering up with more polish, try one of these at-home solutions:

Lemon Juice

Just as lemon juice refreshes your body, lemon juice bleaches summer strands. The citrus fruit also lightens and brighten nail beds. Keep a piece of lemon handy in your house so when you see a stained nails, just dab a few drops of fresh lemon juice onto stained area and let it set for few minutes. Then, buff the surface with a dry washcloth, and massage a few drops of olive oil for extra moisture.

Yellow Stains out from Your Nails


The whitening properties of hydrogen peroxide make it a good agent for removing yellow stains on the nails. If you don’t have one handy, your hair bleach is also full of this stuff. To make your own mixture, just mix one part of the peroxide with three parts of water then soak your nails in the solution for 10 minutes or until you notice that the stain is gone. You can also use an old toothbrush and brush your nail away by squirting peroxide-based toothpaste. Peroxide can dehydrate your nails so don’t forget to use hand lotion after.

Base Coat

Aside from keeping the DND nail polish in place a base coat like is a trustworthy agent to keep your nails free from yellow stains. Applying base coat on your nail diligently will keep your future nail stains at bay. It may sound like an extra step, but it will save you the hassle after your next manicure chips away. DTK Nail supply has several base coats that you can choose from, there are also wholesale nail supplies that you can buy to save big discounts. Depending on the colour you want, you can choose from clear, pink and white and you’ll notice that your nail will no longer have that yellow stains anymore.

Essential Oil

Essential oils are also miracle wonders because they don’t only keep us calm but it will also provide relief from fungus-related nail stains and discoloration. So if you notice that you often suffer from that predicament, keep an essential oil of lavender or tea tree oil in your purse so you can get it anytime you need one. Apply the pure oil to your nail beds twice a day using an eye dropper. You’ll calm your nails back to good health, and the aromatherapy benefits are an added perk.